Soul Light Therapy

Sound Healing & Psychotherapy with Amanda Tilbury

What is Soul Light Therapy

Soul light therapy is a supportive compassionate therapeutic process assisting you to be more fully “you”, shining your own unique light in the world living a fullfilling soulful life.


To me a soulful life is living a life that feels meaningful, authentic, purposeful and connected. We experience states of wellbeing in mind body and soul, we feel joy and have a positive clear perception about ourselves and our life. We are able to experience and engage in and enjoy positive meaningful relationships with others and in a wider capacity the greater whole. We have a sense of truly belonging and are able to express our own unique nature in multiple creative ways sharing our gifts and talents and true qualities in the world.


Life's Challenges

Life however can at times be challenging and tough causing us to shut down, dim our light, feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope.


There are many reasons why this could happen such as traumatic experiences past and present, loss and grief, relationship difficulties and breakdown, lack of confidence and self-esteem, feeling lonely and lost lacking purpose and direction. States of depression and anxiety can arise perpetuating unhelpful cycles in life sometimes to the point of feeling hopeless and despairing. At times there is just a sense that life is not flowing with a pervasive feeling of flatness without any obvious cause.


My intention is to assist you not to transcend the human condition, as challenge and perceived difficulty are a part of life and can be a powerful initiation into transformation and growth, but to assist you at these pivotal times to navigate them with grace and personal empowerment, living soulfully through them as new possibilities emerge and perhaps even a new sense of self.

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