Working with the arts in psychotherapy
I work with the powerful faculty of your imagination and your creative capacities (which we all possess) through a variety of art forms such as drawing, painting, working with clay, sand tray creation, visualisation, movement and bodywork.
This process is not about creating works of art or being “good” at art, it is the utilisation of image and metaphor to communicate deeply felt experience and emotion that often there are no words for and a means of accessing the unconscious whose language as with dreams is largely one of metaphor and image.
Engaging with your own unique imaginative and creative capacities can enable a deep connection into your soulful self, your deeper nature, it is a journey of self-discovery, expanded awareness and the means of accessing a perhaps hitherto untapped personal reservoir of potentials and resources to utilise in new and transformative ways.
The mind tends not to differentiate between what is real and what is imagined reacting to both which provides a wonderful means of “rehearsal of the possible” in all kinds of creative ways. Add to this the power of focused intention and the felt sense through body awareness, what is desired starts to take root and what is no longer needed (old patterns of being) start to recede.
Working in this creative and imaginative way is dynamic and playful, unconcerned with technique or end product, flexible and adaptable to your particular needs providing a powerful opportunity to claim and express the uniqueness that is you, your soulful beingness.